The Shriners' Recognition Test According to a Lauterer manuscript, this is how two Shriners recognize each other: Q: Then I presume you are a
Noble? |
High Priest -- ...Our alliance or the Rite of our Mystic Shrine is ancient, honorable, benevolent and secret. It is devoted to the cause of justice, truth and mercy. It is ancient as the corner-stone of Mohammed's Temple of Mecca; as secret as the Moslem that bound the tribes of Arabia to Allah or their god; as honorable as the Christian, and the tenets to which it is dedicated when once assumed cannot be eschewed or cast aloof. ...We require absolute secrecy and desire all our disciples to hold and interest in our noble cause and a just observance of the tenets of our faith. ...By the existence of Allah and the creed of Mohammed; by the legendary sanctity of our Tabernacle at Mecca we greet you, (p. 17-18) Grand Potentate-- Who is he who hath professed to have conversed in person with the Supreme and maketh himself mightiest of his Mohammed, the Prophet of the Arab's creed? (p. 18) Priest -- There are Moslems among us; there are others who swerve from propriety; but whoso seeketh Islam earnestly seeks true direction; but those who swerve from truth and justice shall merit and reap abundance of chastisement. (p. 19) Obligation ...I do hereby, upon this Bible, and on the mysterious legend of the Koran, and its dedication to the Mohammedan faith, promise and swear and vow on the faith and honor of an upright man,... (p. 20) ...and now upon this sacred book, by the sincerity of a Moslem's oath I here register this irrevocable vow, subscribing myself bound thereto as well as binding myself by the obligation of the prerequisite to this membership m that of a Knight Templar or that of a thirty-second degree A. and A, Scottish Rite Mason. ... may Allah, the god of Arab Moslem and Mohammedan, the god of our fathers, support me to the entire fulfillment of the same, Amen, Amen, Amen. (p. 22) Priest -- And may Allah protect and support you, that you be not cast into 'al hotama' (hell).... (p. 24) Conductor -- This is the place where our brethren stop to sprinkle the Devil's Pass with urine. You will contribute a few drops of urine to commemorate the time and place where all who pass here renounce the wiles and evils of the world to worship at the Shrine of Islam. Only a few drops will do. (p. 28) GRAND HAILING SALAAM ...This sign must be given on entering and retiring. Word of entrance given to Outer Guardian, Mecca. Word of entrance given to Inside Guardian, Nemesis (the pagan Greek goddess of punishment). (p. 40) "The Mystic Shrine an
Illustrated Ritual of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the
Mystic Shrine" |
The oath of the Shrine A.A.O.N.M.S. (Shriners) concludes as follows: " willful violation whereof I may incur the fearful penalty of having my eyeballs pierced to the center with a three-edged blade, my feet flayed and I will be forced to walk the hot sands upon the sterile shores of the Red Sea, until the flaming sun shall strike me with livid plague, and may Allah the God of Arab, Muslim and Mohammedan, the God of our fathers support me to the entire fulfillment of the same, Amen, Amen, Amen."
The early growth of the Shrine was slow. By 1878, membership had reached 425 in thirteen temples. These early Shriners won an unenviable reputation as tipplers; they referred to booze as "camel's milk". Some state Masonic Grand Lodges debated whether to expel any Masons who joined the Shrine. By the time of the 1920 Shrine convention, some of the Nobles were voicing their concern at the poor image of the organization... Envy of the Catholic Church's role in building and staffing hundreds of hospitals across the country was an obvious factor in the debate on the proposal at the 1920's convention. Forrest Adair of Atlanta declared:"I hope that within two, or three, or four or five years from now we will be impelled from the wonderful work that has been done, to establish more of these hospitals, in easy reach of all parts of North America, and let it be known that while our friends, the enemy, is now about the only institution that is establishing hospitals and schools and things of that kind for the benefit of humanity, the Shrine is going to do them one better."No one in Noble Adair's audience had any doubt as to the identity of "the enemy". To allay the fears of the Nobles, another speaker assured them that if the hospital committee did not "do it right and devoted themselves too much to Catholic children or Negro children we can fire them and get another committee."
William J. Whalen
Christianity and American Freemasonry
Ignatius Press 1958, 1987, 1998
William Whalen is a nationally known expert on comparitive religion, an author of 15 books and numerous magazine articles, and a retired Professor of Journalism of 42 years at Purdue University.
They claim about 300 Million Dollars a year to hospitals and other institutions, which is good but not that much, considering that if every Mason contributes just 5 Dollars per week, they can collect 1.3 Billion Dollars per year... they are a good way to deceive the outsiders, like its secrecy, it is often a cloak to hide its real teachings and goals, and a good way to obtain propaganda... and even the so called "charity" is a way to get money for the Order: In 1985, "Circuses" of the Shriners generated 23 Million Dollars, and only 2% went to medical care of children. In 1984, out of 17 Million Dollars only 1% went to charity, the rest for the Order!
Orlando Sentinel
June 29, 1986.
TV - Albuquerque, New Mexico World’s worst charities Last Update: 12/27/2004 By: Stacy Johnson There’s no question that without charitable works, the world would be a worse place to live. And that’s all the more reason that when we give money to a non-profit group, we need to make sure it’s the right one. The American Institute of Philanthropy is one of several national charity watchdog organizations. It recently published its report card on 100 “failing” charities… charities that the AIP would not recommend you donate money to. And you might be surprised at some of the results. Top failing charities in AIP’s estimation? 1. Research to Prevent Blindness 2. Shriners Hospitals for Children 3. Seeing Eye 4. Guide Dogs for the Blind 5. Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch 6. Diabetes Trust Fund 7. Give Kids the World 8. Southern Poverty Law Center 9. Omaha Home for Boys 10. YWCA of the USA-NO It should be noted that most of those 10 charities were given A-grades, until of course, AIP reviewed the generous cash reserves of those non-profits, and then they sunk quickly to F-grades. How does a charity earn an F grade? Well, one of two ways. First, as in the case of the 10 listed above, the charity has five or more years worth of money in reserve to cover their program. In other words, they really don’t need more money right now, and probably not for several years to come, despite continued fundraising efforts. In the second case, illustrated by the other 90 failing charities on AIP’s list, the charity spends too much on fundraising and not enough on program services. For example, the American Institute for Marine Studies. According to our charity watchdog, this non-profit spent $19 million last year, but 95% of it wasn’t for services, it was for more fundraising. How do they justify that? We couldn’t find out. They refused to speak to us either on or off camera. But that’s another story. The final message here is, before you give to any charity, use your phone or computer to see what the experts say about it. The sources start with the Better Business Bureau, the American Institute of Philanthropy, Guidestar, Charity Navigator. Bottom line? It’s not hard to make sure your donation dough is being wisely spent. So always check before you write one. South Haven Daily Tribune - South Haven Michigan Shrine Records Shocking Fri, April 24, 1987 Dear Ann Landers: That glowing letter about how much good the Shriners do was only half of the story. I believe you were taken in. The issue is not how much money the Shriners pass on to the hospitals they support but how much do the temples keep for themselves. The Orlando Sentinal did a terrific series on this subject recently. I am enclosing part one. It will tell you all you need to know. ---R.L., TIPP
CITY, OHIO DEAR TIPP: Thank you for your letter and part one of the series by Orlando Sentinel. John Haile, editor of the Sentinel sent me part two. I was distressed by the information contained in that prize-winning story. Shrine refers to their hospitals as "The soul of the Shrine"" and the Sentinal cited Internal Revenue Service records showing that although the Shrine is the richest charity in the nation, it gave its 22 hospitals for children less than one-third of the gross collected from the public in 1984. The REMAINDER was spent on food, travel, entertainment, fraternal ceremonies and fund-raising. The Sentinel reported that in 1985 the Shriners kept a whopping 71 percent of the money raised, about $21.7 million. This went to pay for a range of clubhouse expenses, including the upkeep of private bars, restaurants and golf courses. They also used the money to pay for conventions, travel and entertainment for their 880,000 members and, again, fund raising. The Shrine''s most lucrative source of income are the circuses throughout the country. They generate about $23 million in 1985, the paper reported. The records show that LESS THAN 2 percent, or $346,251, went to the medical care of the children. I find this shocking. In 1922 the Shriners established hospitals for burned and crippled children. Today they operate 19 orthopedic hospitals and three burn centers. I want to make it clear that I have received dozens of letters from readers who have told me they took their children to a Shrine hospital after a terrible accident, the youngsters received wonderful care and not one cent was charged. This an extraordinary testimony and a glowing tribute. The facts uncovered by the Orlando Sentinel''s investigative reporters in no way diminishes services performed by the Shrine hospitals. The complaint is that a great deal of money that people think is being given to help crippled and burned children never gets there. In all fairness, I want it understood that every penny sent directly to the hospitals is spent solely to help the children. Thousands of Shriners were appalled when the Orlando Sentinel made its findings known. They had no idea as to the financial workings of their fraternity. To their credit, many Shrine leaders are now demanding that the temples make clear whether fund-raisers benefit the children or the Shriners themselves. Four cheers for them. Postscript The 1998 National Charity Report for the Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine - 'The Shrine', recorded a staggering 8 Billion Dollars in Assets, a 1.2 Billion Dollar increase over the previous year. Interestingly however only a mere 6 percent or 500 Million Dollars of that asset base was fixed assets - it's hospitals and rehabilitation facilities. The other 94 percent is listed simply as investments. Also the Shriners posted an amazing 233 Million Dollar profit for the same year. Furthermore this proft was of staggering proportions in relation to the amount it spent on program services. In fact the profit almost equalled the 310 Million the Shrine spent on all it's hospitals and care giving for the entire year. In 2001 the Shrine announced another fundraising drive, despite already enjoying a massive operating surplus, using a glitzy national advertising televison and radio campaign featuring celebrity endorsements. The reality is this was likely a P.R. campaign or membership drive for Freemasonry's leading and most prominent organization, The Shrine, because of the staggering excess of funds raised over funds expended they already were enjoying. The Shrine didn't need the money, they had a massive annual operating surplus exceeding $200 million dollars, so why the huge new campaign? What was it's purpose? The largest charity in North America continues to convey a much lower percentage of it's revenues to program services than charities such as the Red Cross and Easter Seals, where the percentage of funds going to end users is 80% or better. However the Red Cross and Easter Seals don't have Temples which contain private bars, dinning and meeting rooms, nor Regional Golf & Country Club Recreation Centres for it's membership across the country to maintain, subsidise, or enjoy. Membership has it's privledges. Inapproptiate use of Sick Children Transportation Fund for Social Gatherings Sept. 25, 2006 'The Divan and their wives got their travels reimbursed by the Transportation Fund. it had money.. with the lame statement that they were spreading the word about the Hospitals. At Imperial and at the Region Shrine Conventions.. this was in the range of $10,000 for the year depending on where the events took place. Las Vegas.. Vancouver.. the CPA said he was praying no one looked at the tax return and saw the money going to a Casino in Vegas' Health and Legal concerns of Shriner 'Hot Sands' Initiation Hazing Ritual Sept. 25, 2006 Nobles: As long as we continue to allow practices, such as the hot sands, in the Shrine, we will continue to dig our own grave for Shrinedom. And the Directors Staff units that help put them on, should be renamed the "Funeral Directors Staff." I'm sure by now, the subject line and that first sentence have raised the blood pressure of more than a few people. No doubt, some on this very list will fire back some highly emotionally charged reply defending the hot sands, criticizing me, extolling the bonding benefits of events such as the hot sands, reporting how THEY walked the sands and "all good Shriners should do likewise", etc..... (I'll bet that some are already writing a reply without reading the rest of this!) However, all that has been said and all that may be said does not change the fact that we DO live in a very litigious society. Is it really going to take a major lawsuit (actually, as I understand it, we've already had some) which will cast a very black eye on our hospitals, to shut the hot sands down once and for all? Do you honestly think that we are immune from someone having a heart attack and dieing during the hot sands, based on how they operate? And if you think the "medical exam" that is given before allowing people to walk the sands is adequate to defend us in court, you have another think coming to you... Can you see the headlines in your local paper? Can you hear the national news anchor telling that story? Do you honestly think if (when) some tragedy occurs that it won't SEVERELY impact the hospitals? If you think that it WON'T impact us, please oh please, explain why. I'd love to hear that argument. If the hot sands are okay, then why close the ceremony to non-Shriners? Invite the press! If it's that much fun, then the more, the merrier! Right? Wrong!! Behaviour at Shriners Conventions Sept. 25, 2006 Shriners Convention Center Worker: 'As long as I don’t have to be in the same room as those b****** Shriners! They are nothing but a bunch of foul mouthed dirty old men who grab at anyone wearing a skirt' |
For more than a century of it's existance to become a Shriner you must have first become at least a 32 Degree Scottish Rite or Royal Arch Degree York Rite Freemason.
During the 2000 Imperial Session the Shrine lowered this requirement to only the 3rd or Master Mason Degree to stem membership losses, over the strenuous objections of the Supreme Council 33 of the Scottish Rite. It remains to be seen whether this controversial decision will be overturned by an expected campaign by the Scottish Rite to save itself from a possible membership implosion which could occur without having the carrot of the Shrine to dangle.
Most masons want to 'Get to the Shrine' as quickly as possible because they say that is where all the best parties are, and the most 'fun' is.
This is the primary reason most masons gave for putting themselves through the visibly occultic higher degrees of Scottish and York Rite Freemasonry.
Old Nick understands the minds of men...
Shrine Circus
escapes the scrutiny of governing bodies such as the United
States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and local animal control
agencies by not owning the animals used in its shows or
possessing an exhibitor license. The animals are leased from
outside companies, including Tarzan Zerbini
Circus*, George Carden
Circus*, Jordan World
Circus*, Hawthorn
Corporation*, Royal Hanneford
Circus*, Franzen Bros.
Circus*, and Circus
Hollywood*, so Shrine Circus is not subject to citations
under its name. Each Shrine Temple produces its own circus, so
animal exhibits will vary from temple to temple and from year to
year. Exhibitors of Shrine Circus-leased animals have failed to
meet minimal federal standards for the care of animals
used in exhibition as established in the Animal Welfare Act
(AWA). The USDA has cited Shrine Circus exhibitors for failure to
provide veterinary care, adequate shelter from the elements,
nutritious food, and clean water, as well as failure to handle
animals in a manner that prevents trauma and harm and ensures
public safety. Animals used by Shrine Circus have caused deaths
and injuries. Contact PETA for documentation. May 29, 2000: The Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported that Shriners membership had dropped to 528,000 by 1999, from a peak of 940,000 in the 1980s. April 29, 2000: The Tebala Shrine in Rockford, Ill., reneged on assurances that it would not use exotic animals in the circus. Elephants, tigers, and lions were featured. April 13, 2000: An elephant named Tina used in Shrine Circuses was quarantined after testing positive for a human strain of tuberculosis. February 11, 2000: The Albuquerque, N.M., shrine reneged on a promise to use an animal-free circus. The shrine featured numerous animal acts, including a killer elephant named Misty. January 26, 2000: A 4,500-pound female African elephant named Kenya, who had been featured in Shrine Circuses, attacked and killed a circus worker in Florida. The 18-year-old elephant knocked her to the ground and crushed her. October 15, 1999: The San Antonio Express-News reported, "The money coming from this weekend's [Alzafar Shrine] circus proceeds does not go toward the 22 childrens hospitals in the United States, Mexico, and Canada." April 29, 1999: As a result of sustaining multiple injuries from an elephant while performing for the Shrine Circus in Duluth, Minn., an animal handler was hospitalized in serious condition. March 1999: An evaluation by the Council of Better Business Bureaus determined that the Shriners did not meet its standards, which recommend that at least 50 percent of a charitys income be spent on programs directly related to the organizations stated purpose. According to the evaluation, Shriners had spent only 24 percent on program services. February 1999: During a risk management presentation to the Shrine Treasurers Association of North America, the Shriners learned that they had been provided by a circus insurance agent with a fraudulent certificate of insurance on a policy that did not exist after an attendee was injured at a Shrine Circus. November 13, 1998: The same tiger used in Shrine Circuses who killed his trainer on October 8, 1998, attacked and killed his owner in Newberry, Fla. The tiger was shot dead. October 8, 1998: A tiger attacked and killed his trainer in Newberry, Fla. The tiger, who had been featured in numerous Shrine Circuses, grabbed the trainer by the throat. May 15, 1997: A transient who came to Omaha, Neb., with the Shrine Circus was convicted of second-degree murder. The victims partially nude, badly decomposed body was found on June 16, 1995. She had been beaten to death with a chunk of concrete. April 13, 1997: A spooked elephant performing at a Shrine Circus in the city of Calgary in Alberta, Canada, slapped a handler with her trunk and bit him on the head and back, causing injuries serious enough to require hospitalization. March 18, 1997: A bear with the Shrine Circus in Grand Rapids, Mich., bit off the tip of a 2-year-old childs finger. There were no safety barriers around the bear cages, and 30 other children had been petting the bear. August 20, 1994: An elephant named Tyke who had rampaged at the Altoona, Pa., Shrine Circus on April 21, 1993, killed her trainer while performing in Honolulu, Hawaii, stomped on a circus groom, and injured a dozen spectators. April 1994: Three children were injured when an elephant giving rides at a Shrine-sponsored circus in Muskegon, Mich., fell into the passenger loading platform, spilling the riders and bending the platform. August 8, 1993: A Tucson, Ariz., Shrine Circus clown was arrested on charges of molesting three girls, ages 6, 7, and 10, he met at the circus. April 21, 1993: An elephant named Tyke charged through an arena entryway during a Shrine Circus performance in Altoona, Pa., ripping away part of the wall and causing 10,000 Thousand Dollars in damage. More than 3,000 children were in the audience, and one young girl was injured. July 8, 1990: A 600-pound tiger terrified hundreds of children and their parents when he ran loose for 15 minutes at the Shrine Circus at Mississaugas Square One mall in Ontario, Canada. 1978: A Hawthorn Corporation elephant performing in Chicago with the Shrine Circus picked up her trainer with her trunk and threw him into a pillar, killing him. * Factsheet available. For more information, contact: PETA |
Sex show may
harm Shriners' charities The Khartum Shriners are worried that sick children in Manitoba could suffer the fallout from a fund-raising scandal after an event for Shrine charities this week was revealed to have included sex acts and sexual fondling of nude performers. And Canada Safeway, one of the charity's major supporters, will be asking the Shriners for an explanation. Gervin Greasley, public relations director for the Khartum Shrine in Winnipeg, said he's worried about what will happen to the organization's fund-raising. "It will take a long time to live this down and regain the confidence of the community". On Thursday night at the Garden City Canad Inn, two Free Press reporters witnessed two female performers climb upon a banquet table, fondle each other, kiss and be touched by as many as eight men at one time. Some of the men were seen to pour beer on the women and put beer bottles between their legs. Patrons performed oral sex on the women in view of more than 100 men. At several points, the women tried to stop the men from fondling them, complaining they were in pain and discomfort... Elsewhere in the hotel, some patrons visited a guest room where a man at the door told them they could get sexual intercourse for 100 Dollars or oral sex for 75 Dollars. Organizers of the Shriners' Motor Patrol "V.I.P. Gentlemen's Dinner," attended by more than 400 men, told the Free Press on Friday that proceeds from the event would be used to cover motor patrol operations and support Shrine children's charities. The Manitoba Liquor Control Commission has launched an investigation, while the Winnipeg Police Service said it will investigate if formal complaints are brought to them. But Greasley said the local organization itself, affiliated with 525,000 male members belonging to 191 Shrine Temples across North America, is working quickly at damage control. At least one of the charity's major supporters, Canada Safeway, is looking for answers. One member of the Daughters of the Nile, one of the women's arms of the Shriners, said yesterday she was "very disappointed" when she read about the event in the Free Press. "I don't understand the whole thing," she said. "Being a woman, I read it with disgust. Yesterday, the only three patrons drinking at the Shriners' Temple on Wilkes Avenue refused comment. Diane McGifford, provincial minister responsible for the status of women, said she will be talking tomorrow with Justice Minister Gord Mackintosh about the incident. "It appears something very degrading to women took place," McGifford said. "What seems apparent is although many people believe that men and women enjoy equal opportunities and are equally valued, that doesn't seem to be the case". McGifford said she hopes there were many men at the event who were disgusted with the goings-on. "They have daughters and wives too," she said. Noting the Shriners raise money so sick or burned Manitoba children can go out of province for help, McGifford said: "It just seems ironic of them -- we're going to help one group by dehumanizing another group". Naomi Levine, a Winnipeg lawyer and workplace dispute consultant, said she's shocked not only at the sex acts which went on at the banquet, but also at the fact that it involved Shriners. "It's extremely disappointing to see the Shriners can be so injudicious," Levine said. "It's certainly not consistent with the way they present themselves. "It smacks of indignity. It smacks of exploitation. There's just nothing positive about this and these are the persons who put on circuses for kids. "They should
grease their brains and not their wheels". Mon, Jan 29,
2001 IT is unlikely that Manitobans will think about the Shrine Circus in quite the same way in the future as they did in the past. Is the Shrine circus the wholesome, three-ring affair sponsored annually by the local Khartum Shrine Temple, the circus of cotton candy and childish cries of delight at the hijinks of performing animals and clowns? Or is it the private Shrine circus where clowns of a different sort engage in sordid and perhaps criminal behaviours and where the cries are of pain inflicted to the genitals of naked, perhaps drunken women by louts with grubby hands and beer bottles? Khartum Temple did not authorize the so-called VIP Gentlemen's Dinner that attracted about 400 men to the Garden City Canad Inn last week. That event was organized by a branch that operates the Shriners' Motor Patrol, those seemingly loopy men in fezzes who ride miniature cars and motorcycles in parades. It stretches credulity, however, to think that everyone within the charity's membership, and especially the executive charged with maintaining its reputation, was unaware of what goes on at the annual stag. Clearly, base behaviour injurious to the organization's charter and noble purposes has been tolerated by at least some Shriners. That men might want to spend an evening watching naked women perform or that they might seek to buy sex from willing prostitutes is hardly shocking or illegal. But that a charity devoted to family values and helping children would allow its reputation to be besmirched by such activities is. Khartum Shrine has its work cut out if it wishes to restore its reputation. There is every expectation that it will succeed, although it should not be presumed that the task will be easy or painless. Nor should it be presumed that Shriners alone are blameworthy. Canad Inn should be asking how it happened that behaviour in apparent contravention of its licence occurred in the presence of its staff. Would-Be
Shriner Says He Was Subjected to Painful Initiation Rites LEXINGTON, Ky. - Michael G. Vaughan says he went to the Shrine temple to learn the secrets of the universe. What he learned, he says, is that the Shrine's initiation rites involve electric shocks and the humiliation of having one's underwear filled with strawberries and whipped cream. Now his lawsuit against the fraternity has become cloaked in nearly as much secrecy as the rites themselves. A judge has ordered all participants in the lawsuit not to divulge details of the case. The case file has been sealed. And only those directly involved with the lawsuit know when and where to meet for the trial Dec. 9. The lawsuit was filed last year by Vaughan, a 44-year-old brick mason who claims he was knocked unconscious and suffered other injuries during initiation rites in 1989 at the Oleika Shrine Temple in Lexington. He seeks an unspecified amount for medical bills, lost income and punitive damages. Before Circuit Judge George Barker issued a gag order last summer, Vaughan said in interviews that he wanted to become a Shriner because the group promised spiritual and emotional fulfillment. The Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine has about 725,000 members in the United States, Canada and Mexico. The group is renowned for its philanthropy: Its charitable foundation runs 19 orthopedic and three burn hospitals where needy children are treated free of charge. But Shriners also are famous for their love of fun. Temples hold circuses and football games, and Shriners driving miniature cars and boats and wearing Arabian costumes, turbans and fezzes are familiar sights at parades across America. "I assumed that the Shrine, as the word would imply, was like (God's) highest secret order, where a great secret would be learned once you got it," Vaughan said. So, in 1989, he and about three dozen other initiates stood before an audience of Shriners and began a series of tests, which included walking on an electrified mat, sitting on an electrified bench and getting a jolt of electricity to their bare buttocks, the lawsuit says. At one point, the lawsuit says, Vaughan's shorts were taped to his legs and he suspected a nearby sinkful of strawberries, whipped cream and ice cream was to be poured into them. This last humiliation was not carried out, he says, because a table fell over and took him with it. The lawsuit says Vaughan hit his head on the floor and was knocked unconscious. Vaughan did not pay his dues and never returned to the temple. His lawsuit claims that the activities were painful and harmful and that he needed medical treatment because of them. He accuses the supervising Shriners of assault and fraud. A court-ordered videotape of the temple's initiation devices confirmed much of Vaughan's story, including the existence of the electrified bench and mat. Lawyers on both sides of the case and officials of the Oleika Shrine Temple refused to comment this week, citing the court order. Vaughan has an unlisted telephone number and could not be reached. In court documents, the temple denied several of the allegations but acknowledged that shocks "of less than one second" are administered during initiation. The Shriners denied Vaughan was knocked unconscious. Theodore Corsones, lawyer for the national Shriners' organization, said he could not comment on the case but that his own initiation as a Shriner was spiritually uplifting. He said he toured a Shriners hospital for crippled children. "As for what went on in Lexington, I haven't the foggiest because I wasn't there," Corsones said. Rules are issued each year on proper initiation techniques, he said. Robert E. Manley, whose Cincinnati law firm specializes in fraternity law, said at least 35 states, including Kentucky, have laws that ban hazing. Manley is not involved in Vaughan's lawsuit. Manely said he wasn't sure if Kentucky's hazing law would apply to the Shrine case. But if the allegations are true, Vaughan could file an assault and battery complaint, he said. |
From: "H"
To: editor@ Subject: Shriners & Shriners Hospitals Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 You should look at the following web site that lists actual certified IRS Tax Returns on several of the largest Shriner Temple out of a total of 161 in the US. The Shriners raise millions of dollars each year and the Officers give maybe 10% to 30% IF ANYTHING AT ALL TO THE SHRINERS HOSPITALS. The Officers have good times, excellent perks and refuse to answer my questions of financial accountability. Example: on 2004 Tax Returns $1,026,994 for SOCIAL ACTIVITIES/MEALS $225,361 for DINNER & PARTIES $59,022 for MEALS & SOCIAL & SOCIAL ACTIVITIES. The site is done by a Former IRS Agent. H From: "H" To: Subject: Shriners & Shriners Hospitals Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 Ms B: As a reporter for "Business Week" covering finance and accounting, you should take the time to visit the following web site which lists actual certified IRS Tax Returns on some of the Shriners Temples. Millions of dollars are raised annually to support the Shriners Hospitals and based upon the IRS Tax Returns are getting little to no money to support the cripple and burnt kids we help. Example: the 2004 IRS Tax Returns for Murat Shrine Temple in Indiana listed $1,026,994 spent for SOCIAL ACTIVITIES AND MEALS. Look at what they donated to Shriners Hospitals! A Former IRS Agent is doing the web site and analysis of the returns. From: "H" Subject: Charity Watch Center * Follow the Money * Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2005 New Update....Look at the Jesters which is the secret group within the Shriners and is by invitation only. Money is spent on "good times" based on what they reported to the IRS as documented by the actual forms submitted by the Royal Order of Jesters Officers, which is shown on this site. Very Interesting. More to come on your Temple, Groups, Associations in the Shriners and where the money actually goes based on actual documented information that the Imperial & Temple Divan Officers have sent to the IRS. The truth is being exposed, questions are being answered, and all Past and Present Officers in Tampa and Individual Temples, Associations, Groups now have to answer major questions of FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY ON WHERE THE MONEY GOES. Hint.....One Temple has $156,000 listed on their IRS TAXES AS "MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE" for 2003. It will be interesting to hear them explain this to the Nobles and IRS. From: "H" Subject: Charity Watch Center * Follow the Money * Date: Sun, 28 Aug 2005 New Updates on "Follow The Money". Sudan Shriners members getting a lot of benefits (We are not aware of them) but Shrine Hospitals getting screwed. Fraternal Services to members---------------- $516,059 Charitable Donation to Shriners Hospitals-- $136,220 From: "G" Subject: Re: [Shriners-2000] "Follow The Money" Web Site Date: Sun, 28 Aug 2005 Plain Text Attachment I have always wondered why the elections within the Shrine were so vicious and serious ... when it just shouldn't be that way. OK, I fully understand that many of those "Nobles" don't have a life so the Shrine is their entire world ... but, even factoring in the "club mentality", the power struggles within the Shrine are just too "way-over-the-top" to make any sense just on the face of it. However ... if you factor in huge amounts of money, then men who normally seem to be gracious and genteel turn nasty and greedy ... and if they are voted out of office, they can no longer "wet their beaks a little" ... as Don Whatshisface said to young Vito Corleone back in the old neighborhood in one of the "God Father" movies. Now ... before anyone gets their boxers in a bunch over what I just said ... I have seen many, many people get in trouble not for actual conflict of interest but for the *appearance* of a conflict of interest ... and what we have going on in the Shrine, now, is just such a situation ... someone or a cabal of someones is either wetting their beaks or, by their actions or lack of action, are making it look like someone is wetting their beak. So ... before anyone goes all high and mighty and takes offense ... the ones who yell the loudest are usually the ones who are perpetrating the deed. The cure is simple if you are innocent ... disclose now ... and do so as completely as possible. It is, after all, a charity involved here and disclosure, at least to the Nobles, should be a way of life. g *former* noble of the mystic shrine albuquerque, NM, USofA ----- Original Message ----- > > [Shriners-2000] "Follow The Money" Web Site > > Date:8/26/05 > > Sender: > > Reply-to: > > To: > > > > Nobles: > > I do not know why the Attachment to the web site was > > not attached so you could open it. > > > > is where you want to go. > > It is updated several times weekly. > > > > In any event, if you wish to see the actual IRS > > Returns on some Shrine Temples and Imperial, please go > > to the web site. > > > > It's hard to question the actual IRS Returns that > > Imperial and Shrine Temples have signed off on and > > submitted to the IRS on an annual basis. > > > > Most people would be concerned that the Shriners > > Hospitals are receiving "very little and/or NO MONEY" > > and this is documented. WE SHOULD BE ASKING WHERE THE > > HELL IS IT GOING AND DEMAND DOCUMENTION OF CASES WHERE > > MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES ARE OVER $10,000. > > > > Sudan Temple on their 2001 IRS Tax Document list on > > the FEDERAL STATEMENT in the 990 tax form a total of > > $153,688 in MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES. Something is wrong > > with this situation. > > > > We the Nobility need financial accountability from > > Imperial and The Temples not BS and excuses. > > > > In the days ahead the 990 IRS TAX Returns from > > Imperial > > other Temples, secret groups within the Shriners, > > Jesters, Groups, etc; will be posted for > > 2001-2002-2003-2004. > > > > I understand the people doing this are former IRS > > Agents, present and former Shriners that want full > > accountability from the Officers. > > > > H > > Sudan Temple From: H Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 Subject: Charity Watch Center for Non-Profit Fraud Follow the Money Trail of Shriners Corporate New update as of Tuesday, September 6, 2005. Look at each individual year. These are the actual copies of the IRS Tax Returns submitted to the IRS BY IMPERIAL SHRINERS CORPORATE OFFICERS which are "Public Records" purchased from the IRS Office in Ogden, UT. Nobles look at page 10 for year 2003 Tax Returns. $184,284 spent for IMPERIAL JEWELRY. Go to page 9 for year 2002. $160,472 spent for Imperial Jewelry. The Shriners Hospitals, The Nobles and Public are being SCREWED. Charlie Cumpstone Salary is also posted. This is why Shrine Members & the Public need total Financial Accountability by both Corporate and each Individual Shrine Temples. If you know of areas that need to be looked into, please advise the web site on a confidential basis. THE SHRINERS HOSPITALS NEED EVERY DOLLAR THE PUBLIC DONATES TO THEM. From: "H" To: Undisclosed-Recipient@, Subject: Charity Watch Center for Financial Accountability Shriners Imperial Divan Money Trail Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2005 New update as of Sept 11th. Every Shriners should be made aware of the IRS Tax Returns that Tampa Corporate Office submitted to the IRS for the years show here. Look at the expenses for Imperial Officers Jewelry, Good Times. This is what happens when the Imperial Divan and the 191 Shrine Temple Divans refuse to have financial accountability to its members. |
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Newspaper: Money From Shriner
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Further Reading:
The Royal Order of Jesters - The Shriners Secret Society Secret Society - 'Mirth is King'