Unravelling the Masonic Web of Favoritism,
Cronyism, & Corruption
acting on a local basis have the power within them to undermine
the power base of Freemasonry and thereby lesson it's corrosive
influence in a number of important area's by employing basic time
tested political activist tactics.
Freemasons seek to maintain their effective control over
political, governmental, judicial, business, and religious
institutions in the U.S., U.K., Canada, Australia, New Zealand,
the British Commonwealth, and the West by employing the 'combined
power' of their secret membership in the 'fraternity'. In fact
Freemasons think of themselves as an 'ex-officio' level of
government'. A secret and occult power.
Therefore a focus on elected and appointed Officials in these
indicated sectors being required to make mandatory declarations
of masonic membership to avoid possible conflict of interest
suspicions is extremely important.
The U.K. and other Nations have recently enacted a number of
requirements requiring this type of discloure after conducting
thorough investigations.
Local Government, the Judicial System, especially Law Enforcement
are area's that have high levels of Masonic membership. Political
Parties, the Military and related industry, Foreign Service and
related Academia including Policy 'Think Tanks' and Social
Sciences, Labour Union movements, Civic organizations such as
Kiwannis and Rotary which can be used as local government
political machines, are other area's of interest to Masonic
Membership 'Placement'. It is no small co-incidence that the
Masonic Temple is often located across the street, or very near
to, city halls and seats of governance.
Corporate codes of conduct and Professional Bodies can be worked
on also, there has been some recent success in getting
Freemasonry membership declaration added to codes of ethics in
Inside the Church's you should be aware that Freemasonry makes an
extra effort to exert it's influence, especially by using the
wives of Freemasons. Often Pastors and Church Leaders will be
under extreme pressure by Freemasons not to issue teachings on
Freemasonry and Christianity.
Documents outlining your Church's current teaching on Freemasonry
continue to be suppressed in many denominations, which allow
Masons to recruit members of the church with greater ease,
especially if the Priest, Pastor, or Lay Leadership are high
ranking members of the Lodge itself. For this reason Masons can
not be allowed to hold official positions in the Church. Great
care and thoroughness of investigation is often necessary to
reveal Masonic memberships, due to the oaths of secrecy taken
during initiation.
Freemasonry relies on secrecy, and the most important secret is
not it's handshakes and passwords it is the secrecy of membership
itself. Freemasons work and act together in a co-ordinated
fashion to promote their career's, business's and anti-christian
socio-religious & globalist agenda's. 'The Beehive'. It is a
network whose currency is favoritism - in secret. Remove the
secrecy of their membership and the strength of the network is
effectively broken.
E-mails, letters, phone-calls. Basic political work.
The 'big picture' will take care of itself, if Freemasonry loses
it's base - i.e. it's source of power: institutional placement of
members. Then shunned by normal society they will become
marginalized to the point of irrelevance. Exactly where something
as corrosive and destructive as the occult belongs.
Recent News Articles you may wish to refer to in your e-mails
and letters
All British MPs and Peers to be forced
to declare membership of secret societies such as the Freemasons
in line with police officers and judges
Isle of Man Anglican/Lodge rift deepens as
Priest quits parish over Freemasonry
Australia M.P. questions Governor General's
involvement with Freemasonry, raises mandatory masonic
declaration issue with Prime Minister
Welsh Parliament passes comprehensive
Freemasons Registry
On This Day May 26: 1981 Italian
Government Resigns
Employment in positions of trust inside Church or State by
Members of Secret Societies, such as Freemasonry, is highly
inadvisable because their unlawful and brutal oaths put them in
an irreconciliable conflict of interest with their fiduciary
duties to the public and the faithful.
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