Fenland Citizen - UK
Questions asked at Fenland Hall
Published Date: 19 March 2008
FREEMASON – in the Middle Ages a stonemason of a "superior grade" or a member of a secret fraternity, united in lodges for social enjoyment and "mutual assistance".
No wonder some people are concerned that some councillors and some spouses of councillors are members of this secret fraternity.
I'm concerned myself. In fact, it bothered me that much that I have written to Democratic Services at Fenland District Council seeking clarification of the matter.
Would us mortals have a chance when it comes to decision making – possibly on planning matters – if we are up against a Freemason who is a friend of some Freemason councillors?
Of course, we have to rely on the conscience and integrity of the councillors when it comes to members' interests.
Robert Harvey,
Nene Parade,
Further Reading:
UK Freemasonry in the News, have the 'Brethren' finally met their Waterloo?