Our Strange World
Manitoba Legislature - Disguised Pagan Temple?
15 Jan 2007
If the legislature is indeed a disguised pagan temple, the implications are staggering:
This building ostensibly represents the public. It seems that, even in 1912, an occult secret society, the Freemasons, controlled society with relative impunity and dispensed patronage .
They built a temple instead of a legislature. Did they contemplate the overthrow of democracy and the installation of an authoritarian pagan theocracy, presumably the Masonic hierarchy?
Built for the ages, is the legislature intended to become a religious center in the New World Order, perhaps after a nuclear war? Is the temple going to be the seat of government? Obviously I want to be wrong about all of this.
However, experts like lawyer Constance Cumbey says that the money elites are preparing exactly this kind of “New Age” government and religion.
Freemasonry is empowered by the London-based central banking cartel as a way of corrupting and controlling society. Privately they refer to Freemasonry as “a madhouse but at liberty.”
Masonry espouses Lucifer’s rebellion against God, which is the central characteristic of the “Enlightenment” and modern western culture.
Essentially “Lucifer’s rebellion against God” means that the very rich, (i.e. the Rothschild Central banking cartel) and not the Creator, will define reality and determine the future of the human race. Truth and Justice will be whatever they decide.
Zionism and Communism were organized as Masonic lodges. Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, FDR, Churchill and Hitler were all Illuminati, which is the highest rank of Freemasonry. Hitler was created by Theosophy and the Thule Society. G.W. Bush and John Kerry are also Illuminati. The rank and file Freemason is not told any of this.
Does Freemasonry serve the devil? Does a benevolent society have to be secret? Does it threaten to cut the throat of initiates who talk? Does it demand its members assist each other even when they are breaking the law or being immoral?
Freemasonry pretends to be concerned with moral uplift. Given its incredible power, is the world becoming a better place? “Know them by their fruit.”
In fact, the Illuminati literally represent a malevolent supernatural force that is waging pitiless war on humanity. It is gradually creating Hell on earth.
It wages war-using war. It turns us against each other by deceiving and dividing us. The enemy is not ordinary people, many of whom have based their identity on falsehoods. We need to unite against the puppet masters and their agents. [link]
Further Reading: