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L'Express: Happy New Year to "so powerful" Freemasons!

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Happy New Year to "so powerful" Freemasons!

January 4, 2013

by François Koch

Google Translation


To all visitors to the Light

but also to other,

I wish a happy new year 2013.

It is for you and all views

rich in discovery, successes, joys

and shared with those you love pleasures.

In January, you will see the flowering chestnut!

We escaped to the L'Express ... but there had recently Figaro Magazine (The new power of the Freemasons) ... and yesterday, a remarkable double whammy: Le Nouvel Observateur (The Freemasons who govern us) and Point (Holland and Freemasons. How lodges score points).

That Le Nouvel Observateur and Le Point to make a frontal war on the same day on the same subject does not deserve comment. However, the political scientist Alain Duhamel decided to this morning on RTL his column on the chestnut of Obs and point surprises me a tad ... and proves one thing above all: it was really sore subject! What can happen to everyone (including me).

What is more surprising, since it is only the distribution of the times is that the excellent Duhamel (I really do) indulges in that Freemasons today more influence than under Nicolas Sarkozy, they are mostly left ... while these two statements seriously deserve to be proven.

Further Reading:

Freemasonry in France, Belgium (E.U.), Monaco and French Africa