Gods Bank Manager | Roberto Calvi...
Cole McCann
This video highlights the thirty year mystery surrounding the death of "Gods Banker"
Roberto Calvi. Did he die at the hands of the Mafia or did his intricate web of intercontinental
deception and conspiracy involving the P2 masonic lodge catch up with him?.What was his actual
connection with Archbishop Paul Marcinkus, the Pope's security guard, a functional governor with
the Vatican as well as president of the Vatican monetary institution which have a shareholding
in Ambrosiano? Ian Hitchings http://www.ianhitchings.com scrutinises the evidence in his latest
blog http://murderofrobertocalvi.blogspot.com/ and asks did he really hang himself from Blackfriars Bridge in 1982.
Further Reading:
St. Peter's Squared - Roberto Calvi and the P2 Masonic Lodge Conspiracy