Desmoines Consistory
University of Freemasonry
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Freemasonry and the Frontier
presented by
Pete Taggart 32° KCCH
May 14, 2013
6:30 pm - Doors open
7:00 pm - Program
8:00 pm - Coffee and Dessert
Join us for a fascinating story of what Masonry was like on the frontier, from cowboys, ranchers, and pioneers to oil barons, railroad tycoons, and 49er's each lodge was unique in its own way. Yet, Masonry transcended the differences in men and motives. This free event is open to everyone.
Des Moines Consistory 519 Park St.
Labels: Scottish Rite Event, University of Freemasonry
Further Reading
The 'Scottish' Rite of Freemasonry - 33 Degree's of Familiarization