Ellwood City Ledger: Eastern Star meets

Ellwood City Ledger

Eastern Star meets

Monday, January 20, 2014 2:17 pm

ELLWOOD CITY — Members of Ellwood City Chapter 212 Order of the Eastern Star met in the Masonic Hall Jan.16. Cathy Ketterer, worthy matron, conducted the meeting. Sally Harley gave the secretary’s report, and Joan Evans gave the treasurer’s report. Various committee reports were given.

James Meehan, representative to the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Oakland, gave a report on things donated by the chapter. He and his wife, Charmaine, will deliver the items to the hospital.

Darlene Patterson, a chapter representative for charity, made a Valentine-themed table runner, and it was won by Sandy Myers. The proceeds from the fundraiser will go to the Heart Association.

Sally Harley announced the tea to honor 50-year members will be at the Masonic hall on April 5.

A donation was made to Rainbow Assembly 1 in New Castle. This month was designated as Youth Project Month.

It was announced the Masonic Lodge will have a Flea Market on Feb. 22 at the Masonic Hall. It will feature crafts and baked goods, and food will be available. Orders for subs can be made by calling Ross Conrad. There is a charge for tables. More information can be obtained by calling Ross Conrad at 724-824-2222.

Joan Evans announced the past matrons of the Ellwood chapter will meet at the Wolverine Restaurant for a luncheon on Feb. 15. Hostesses will be Evans, Helen Bowers, Nancy Horton and Leann Ringle. Evans also announced the that Ellwood chapter will host a group called the 3’ms on March 11.

The charter was draped in memory of Vivienne Magee, a 50-year member of the chapter who passed away recently

Joan Evans, Sally Harley, Bonnie Thompson and Shirley Boariu were recognized for their February birthdays and received a gift from the Worthy matron.

Door prizes were won by Jean Hogue and Helen Bowers. Refreshments and supper were served before the meeting.

Order of the Eastern Star

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