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Belfast Telegraph: Is West playing tricks with Isis? (Letter to the Editor)

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Belfast Telegraph

Is West playing tricks with Isis?

07 July 2014


IS there not something utterly farcical about claiming that Isis is more extreme than al-Qaeda? What does this mean? That we support the Free Syrian Army (FSA), or al-Qaeda even, because, presumably, when Isis murder and bomb they do it in a nicer way than al-Qaeda and the FSA?

Or is the moderate/extremist argument just a propaganda trick to justify the West's support for terrorists in these war-torn regions that just happen to lie over huge oil reserves and next door to Iran, which is Nato's next target in their avowed pursuit of "full-spectrum dominance"?


Hillsborough, Co Down

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Further Reading:

The F.·.W.·. 'Tyler'