Another popular New Age writer is the late Indian Jesuit, Anthony de Mello, whose many books on spirituality include such titles as ??Awareness?, ?One Minute Wisdom?, ?The Song of the Bird?, ?Sadhana: A Way to God? ?Walking on Water? and many others.
De Mello?s books, like those of Teilhard de Chardin, have also been condemned. In 1998, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith issued its ?Notification Concerning the Writings of F. Anthony de Mello, S.J?. The text of this notification, which appeared in the Vatican newspaper L?osservatore Romano on 26th August, 1998, reads as follows:
"Regarding Father de Mello, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in 1998 noted serious errors in his writings and condemned them. Among errors found in his writings are the following:("Notification Concerning the Writings of F. Anthony de Mello, S.J.,"L'osservatore Romano, n. 34, 26 Aug. 1998, pp. 5-6.)
- - A profession of faith and belief in God or in Christ impedes access to truth.
- - The Catholic Church has made the Sacred Scriptures into an idol and banished God from the temple.
- - The Catholic Church has lost its authority to teach in the name of Christ.
- - Evil is mere ignorance.
- - There is no objective rule of morality.
- - Good and evil are mere mental evaluations imposed on reality."